datum | locatie | Tijd | Informatie |
1e za van de maand | Zoom |
10.00 and 18.00 USA ESDT | website |
29 aug- 02 sept 2024 | Sharpham - England |
England Sharpham residential | website |
The monthly zoom meetings are generally the first Saturday of each month.
The next monthly zoom meeting will be on Saturday the 1st of April at 10am. Here is the Link.
Please note the times are USA EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Vienna Weekend
Times and Cost:March 9th-10th 2024
Saturday 2-6pm 60euro
Sunday 2-6pm 60euro
Place:Hermanngasse 25, 1070 Vienna | The entrance is directly from the street.
London Weekend
Times and Cost: March16th-17th 2024
Saturday 2-6pm 60euro
Sunday 2-6pm 60euro
Place: The Philadelphia Association 4 Marty's Yard
London, England, NW3 1QWUnited Kingdom(map)
England Sharpham Residential
August 29th-September 2nd 2024
Registration coming.
About Jim Non-Duality Meetings with Jim Newman
The Meetings point to the unknowable, singular, undivided nature of „what is“ already – home. By being already, searching for home is a hopeless endeavor. There is no real separation, „what is“ is freedom – for no-one. Consequently, the Simply This message has nothing for the individual. There is nothing to become, to get, to know or to understand, the message offers only loss. The loss of the need of seeking.The individual can never find what it is looking for, as it is looking through the illusory experience of separation, for unity. Therefore, the individual, which is always looking for something more, obviously does not like this message. However, there can be resonance with what is being shared, a recognition of something beyond the individuals need for more.This message is not new nor is it owned, it is not spiritual and it is not about being special. It points to the ordinariness of what is.