datum | locatie | tijd | info |
1 maart 2025 | De Roos P.C. Hoofstraat 183 1071 BW Amsterdam |
13.30-17.30 |
satsang in het engels Registration via the website. Information via ceesleerdam@hotmail.com or +31(0)6 4011 5229. |
2 maart 2025 | De Roos P.C. Hoofstraat 183 1071 BW Amsterdam |
13.30-17.30 |
satsang in het engels Registration via the website. Information via ceesleerdam@hotmail.com or +31(0)6 4011 5229. |
Website: https://www.kennethmadden.net/meetings
Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLH7eFSkNXY
This communication is totally impersonal. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what appears as an individual person or character. It belongs to no-one. It requires no understanding or interest in anything esoteric, spiritual or philosophical. It may appear to be spiritual or philosophical and is certainly at the root of many of these major communications, but it is radically and incomparably different to communications and messages which speak directly to a separate individual person and advise, direct or recommend methods by which they can find what they are looking for. Nothing is on offer here and this communication is clearly expressing that you are already that which you seek, you are already whole and complete. There is absolutely no hope to be found here as hope is an emphatic rejection of what is in favour of what could be. When what is being suggested here resonates and is realized fully (not in a conceptual sense) life is seen as it really is once more; indescribably full and in absolute freefall.