
Rosemarijn Roes - Satsang agenda

website: www.rosemarijnroes.nl

datum locatie tijd  
elke vrijdag Zoom EN
19.00-20.30 website
elke zaterdag Zoom EN
10.30-12.00 website
22 maart Delft 11.00-17.00 website
29 maart Brussel 13.30-17.30 website
30 maart Brussel 11.00-16.00 website

Zaterdag 22 maart 2025: Meeting in het Nederlands in Delft 11.00-17.00.
Deze bijeenkomst is volgeboekt, je kunt wel op de wachtlijst. 
Kosten €50,- incl. lunch. Aanmelden bij: rroes@live.nl

Zaterdag en zondag 29 en 30 maart: Live weekend in Brussel ( in het Engels) :
Saturday: 13.30 - 17.30 costs: €50,-
Sunday:    11.00- 16.00  costs  €50,-
Aanmelden op rroes@live.nl


Nothing matters.
It does not matter what you say or do.
No good or wrong.
Everything is empty and full, together.
That is the fun of this book.
It is as easy as it is incomprehensible.

That what is happening, that what you are doing,
how you are doing it, that is it.
There is no one doing it,
it just happens, by itself. Apparently.
But this does not seem to be the truth.
There is this deeply rooted idea; you are there
and you should be different.
That there is a world that should be different.
That you can do something.
There has to be a road towards something better.

This is it. Everything is already complete.
No escape, for no-one.
This is freedom.

Via deze link kun je bij uitgeverij Samsara de trailer bekijken en het boek bestellen: https://www.samsarabooks.com/boeken/wonderlijk-vrij/
